Sunday, January 29, 2012


Tomorrow I head back to Ann Arbor for my second week of treatments. I'm not looking forward to any part of it. Next weekend I should be back home and will get some rest.
Thanks for all of the thoughts and prayers. Keep them coming.


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Home Again

Well, I made it through thr first week of treatments and came home Friday evening. Saturday was a lost day. I was in pretty rough shape. Today is a lot better so far.
 On Monday the 30th I go back for the second week of hell. I'm not looking forward to it.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day Three

I'm well into day three the of the abuse. I'm already up to 235lbs. I stared around 225. I'll probably gain another 10 or more when I'm done. I'll probably look like  Fat Bastard in Austin Powers movies.
 I also have the added advantage of some diarrhea and my least favorite, vomiting.
Two more days of all this fun and I get to go home and wait a week for the next treatment. Whoo hoo.
I see some guys are reading this and i want you to feel free to share it with other Rice Burners.

Thanks for the well wishes and we'll be riding together soon enough.


Sunday, January 15, 2012

Next Chapter

After being diagnosed with cancer in November I have been directed to the University of Michigan Cancer Center for treatment. Tomorrow I begin the first week of these treatments. I'm not looking forward to it but I'm also anxious to get something done to treat the cancer. Hopefully, it works. After one week of treatments I come home for a week and then go back for a second week of the same treatment.
I just want to get on with it and get it over with.

Sunday, January 8, 2012


I've decided to start a discussion about myself and the elements in my life, motorcycle related and not.

In the begining of November, after several months of doctor visits and testing, I was diagnosed with kidney cancer. I had surgery to remove my left kidney a few days after being diagnosed. Unfortunately the cancer had already spread. Not the kind of news anyone would want to hear and certainly not something I would have predicted for myself. I've led a pretty healthy life and didn't think I would be in danger of getting cancer. Obviously you just never know.

I'm not writing this to drum up sympathy or pity. I just know some people have been wondering what's going on with me and I wanted to just quell any rumors. I just want everyone to know my status.

I'd like to use this blog to express my hopes and fears with my health issues and to share some of my motorcycle stories from the past. Please join me on my journey.
