Wednesday, April 2, 2014

A New Drug

Yesterday I started taking a new drug for my cancer treatment. After 2 years of taking a drug called Sutent, I was prescribed a new drug called Inlyta. The side effects of the Sutent were getting harsher and causing me eating problems which also caused me to lose weight. Not eating and losing weight are frowned upon by my doctor. Hopefully the new pills will be as effective at holding my cancer at bay as the old medicine was.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Ongoing Stuff

So, it's been over two years since I was first diagnosed with the big C. First, I had some immunotherapy treatments that ended with mixed results. Since then I've been taking a chemo type pill that has some unpleasant side effects. I take the pills for 28 days followed by a 14 day reprieve. Then back to the pills.
  A year ago I was having some pain in my left hip that was found to be a small tumor. They were able to do a procedure that involved freezing the blood supply in the vessels feeding the spot and cementing the outer portion.
  Now I have some extreme pain in the right buttocks. Once again, a new treatment. Radiation. I'm not looking forward to it but if it relieves the pain and removes the spot, let's go. Ten to fifteen treatments and I should be done. At least until the next flair up. It's hard to keep a positive attitude when it just seems to be a nonstop series of problems. I just try to remember that a lot of people have more serious ailments than I do and others that don't get to stick around as long as I have.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Doctor Says

Well, I went to the doctor again yesterday in Ann Arbor. Everything checked out ok and I'm starting my next cycle of Sutent today.  After 14 off the drug I'm back to the 28 day cycle of taking it.

Now I get to look forward to the fatigue and other great side effects. Mouth sores, sore hands and feet, loss of taste. It's still better than the alternative. Wish me luck.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

I'm Still Here

It's been a while since my last post so I thought I'd try to be a little more active on this blog.

The treatments I received in Jan/Feb at the U of M Hospital had mixed results. Some of the spots shrank and others grew a little. Since then I've started taking a chemo type of targeted drug. It's a pill that is taken for a 28 day cycle followed by a 14 day cycle with no pills. This cycle is repeated over and over if it is working. So far I've been through two rounds of taking the pills and enjoying the wonderful side effects. A couple of weeks ago I had more scans to check out whether the drugs are doing anything or not. The doctor said that some of the spots had shrunk significantly and it didn't look like there were any that had grown. Good news.
  Now I just continue to take this treatment and have regular check ups and scans. I also have to check my blood pressure daily and have an EKG scheduled in a few weeks to see if there are any heart related side effects. The other side effects change with each round of pill taking too. I get severe heartburn. My mouth and tongue feel like they are burned and certain foods are painful to eat or drink. My palms get tender along with the bottom of my feet. Some foods that normally taste good don't taste good anymore.
 Overall, I feel pretty good. I try not to whine too much and don't want sympathy. I just want people to understand a little about what's going on. I'm not done yet. I also refuse to go quietly.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Home Again

We made it home again on Friday after my second week of treatment at the U of M Hospital. The first few days home are kind of rough as the side effects wear off. I'm still moving a little slow today but I'm getting around OK.

I really have appreciated all the calls and texts and e-mails. It's nice and humbling to know so many people care. It helps me get through the hard times.

Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers. I look forward to seeing everyone again soon and spending some time in the garage.

Sunday, January 29, 2012


Tomorrow I head back to Ann Arbor for my second week of treatments. I'm not looking forward to any part of it. Next weekend I should be back home and will get some rest.
Thanks for all of the thoughts and prayers. Keep them coming.


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Home Again

Well, I made it through thr first week of treatments and came home Friday evening. Saturday was a lost day. I was in pretty rough shape. Today is a lot better so far.
 On Monday the 30th I go back for the second week of hell. I'm not looking forward to it.